Wednesday, August 20, 2008


First let me tell you that my past weekend didn't go as planned. I was suppose to go to a crop Friday night at my CMC's, but my feet were hurting too bad to want to go anywhere. I have neuropathy (a disease that causes nerve damage) in my feet which is why I am in a wheelchair. Not everyone's home is wheelchair accessible and when I go to their homes I have to walk in and out, not to mention getting myself around the house. Anyway, Friday night was not a good night for going out.

Saturday I did go to the crop at my LSS, but ended up leaving early. And Sunday I didn't go to my friend's house because of my feet again. I did get a few pages done at the crop on Saturday so that was good. I even uploaded one of the pages at 2Peas - titled "Home run".

Now for the re-organizing part. I am doing a major purge of my scrapping stuff and am planning my own scrap yard sale for Sept. 6th. I have quite a bit of counterspace but have found that a lot of it is being taken up by layout notebooks that I don't use. These are things that I have cut out of magazines or downloaded from the internet. The thing is if I'm not going to use them, they are just taking up valuable space. So I decided to try to sell them at the yard sale...not much money, but it will be nice to get rid of them.

So then I can change things around on my counter and put things that I don't use much in that corner and put other things closer to where I actually scrap. I decided that I really like using ribbon/ric-rac, etc. on some of my pages, but everything was just being stored in a jumbled mess in a photo box. I really wanted to get some ribbon storage that had a handle so it would be easy to take to crops, but my budget just wouldn't allow. So I bought several snapware containers - one for each color of ribbon - and some tiny rubberbands to hold the ribbon in place. I will stack these containers and have them close to where I sit to scrap.

Also, there is another space that I can organize better and clean up so that my new Cricut can sit close to the computer. I want to get the SCAL program for Christmas so will need the two machines to be close to one another.

It'll be the first time I've really done any major organizing of my scrap room since we rebuilt the house after Hurricane Katrina, so it will be like getting a new room again....always fun and inspiring.

That's it for now. Hope ya'll are getting lots of creative work done.

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