Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Today is my birthday...time to get to know me better :)

I grew up the oldest of six children. After over 50 years, my parents are still married to each other.....an amazing feat in this day and age. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to follow that path. Married at the age of 18, I had two children and was divorced while still very young. I raised my children in Montana where my children and grandson still live. As for myself..... the Lord blessed me abundantly and in 1994, after 17 years as a single-again adult, I married my wonderful husband Richard. We make our home on the Gulf Coast of Mississippi where he was born and raised.


I received Christ as my Saviour when I was 9 years old. Since then I have experienced some very difficult, and even horrific, things in my life. I know the fear and anguish of having a child with cancer; the pain of divorce; the day-to-day struggle of raising children alone; the humility of poverty; the terror of having to give my children up to the foster-care system; the hell of mental illness; the abject lonliness of homelessness; the ravages of physical pain and illness, the grief of losing everything to Hurricane Katrina, and the determination to rebuild my life. I have experienced every emotion known to mankind -- joy, pain, love, hate, sorrow, anger, depression, rejection, relief, bitterness, repentance and more. I have committed a vast array of sins. And through all of that I still knew that Christ was only a prayer away. He never left me; He did not forsake me; He held me in the palm of His hand. The promise that I firmly held onto: "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." Philippians 4:13
And today I can finally say that I have learned to rest in Him. God is sooooo good!!


When I was single and living in Montana one of my favorite things to do was to go dancing. I belonged to a line dancing club, where we often performed at county fairs and for special events. Sometimes I would go dancing 5 nights a week and never tired of it.Unfortunately in recent years my health has deteriorated and I am unable to dance anymore. I suffer from a variety of health problems, including diabetes and diabetic neuropathy, Fibromyalgia, arthritis, degenerative disc disease, and more. Most of my time is spent in a wheelchair, but my need to stay busy has not diminished, so I have learned to channel that into less physical activities.


Another of my favorite things to do is scrapbooking. I love this so much that I have my own little business - Megan's MemoryBooks. I teach classes in my home, hold monthly crops (scrapbooking parties), and am starting a Book of Me club. I also enjoy collecting Boyd's resin bears and miniature tea sets. I like to read quite a bit, especially historical romance that is set in the old west.


Danielle said...

Happy Birthday! I hope it was an enjoyable one and it was great getting to know you.

Carmen said...

Happy Birthday! God is good. All the time! I pray you have a blessed week...better yet a blessed YEAR!